My wife and I at a USC game.
My name is Dana Lane. I was born and raised in Southern California and have lived here my entire life. I attended elementary school at Del Obispo Elementary and middle school at Marco Forester in San Juan Capistrano. In high school at Dana Hills I played basketball and gradutated in 1996.
My experiences with technology are a bit limited but have grown over the years. I have always had a computer around me since I was about 8 years old. My first computer was a Macintosh that my parents bought for the household. Since then I have only had PCs with windows on them. So I do play favorites when it comes to what type of computer I would rather use. Being an avid gamer I depend on technology quite a bit. I use technology on a daily basis, whether it's playing games, downloading music or watching television.
What I like about the College of Education Mission Statement is the commitment to "student-centered education." This has an impact on me, because I want to be in a program that provides opportunities for their students to succeed and are willing to help make a student's dream a reality. As I read the mission statement I hope to gain the knowledge necessary to be a great teacher and leader with the education field. In making my decision to attend CSUSM, I didn't take the mission statement into account until now. I know some current teachers who have graduated from the COE program and they have told me that it is one of the better programs within the Cal State system. So for me the mission statements were not an integral part of my decision making.
Haha, Dana Lane went to Dana Hills! That's cool. It's nice to meet another native San Diegan! Isn't it hard to leave?! I see you're a USC girl - my brother probably wouldn't like you too much (Bruin), but even though I went to UCLA for 2 years, I don't really have that die-hard loyalty and you're cool in my book. ;-) But wherever you went to school, the fact that you're here at CSUSM in the COE, that shows you have character. Good luck in the program, and good job on the blog!
Hi Dana,
Here is a comment on your blog. I like the black backround. I have the same experience with computers; one Mac and then nothing but PC. Now, for this class, its back to the Mac. I hope things have changed.
Ray Eller
That's a nice picture of you and your wife. I like going to football games, but I am not a diehard fan of anyone except for the NY Giants (NFL). So far, I really like COE and everyone I've met through the classes here. I think teaching is a great profession, and thanks for the blog pointers!
My uncle graduated from Dana Hills High School many moons ago, 1981 I think! I also like the part of the mission satement that reads "student centered education". I could only hope that it rings true throughout our program!
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